Finding that Perfect Someone....
All Indian girls have just one cherished dream right from childhood and that is, finding that perfect someone. As a kid, I also dreamed about that perfect someone for me.
But one day I read in some numerological horoscope that my life partner would not be up to my expectations! I got very disappointed after reading this. But I didn't want to let anyone disappoint me. So I thought that if I don't expect anything, how will anyone be able to not meet my expectations!
I always thought I'll be able to keep up with this ideology. But as the days passed by, and I gained more experience in relationships, unconsciously I started picturing my sweet heart. Even though I kept reminding myself not to expect too much, somehow I just couldn't help it! After all, how can you not have any expectations about someone you are going to spend your entire life with?
Only thing I could do was to not expect anything out of the blue from him! But at least I could expect him to be well educated, have a good job, love his family, be honest, sensitive and romantic, love music and dance, and most of all, be my best friend, with whom I can share everything!
This was about all I expected from my Perfect Someone. Looks wasn't an important criterion for me, 'cause after all I'm not the most beautiful girl in this world, and I couldn't expect someone who's so perfect to fall for me.
I've met a lot of guys in my life time. But somehow, I never found someone as perfect! There was something or the other missing all the time. And if there's something missing, how can it be perfect? Eventually I started thinking that my horoscope was indeed right, I'll never find my Perfect Someone.
But when I met Sandeep, everything changed! There was something really attractive about him. I found myself being drawn towards him. When we started talking, we just went on and on, with not wanting to stop at all. Anyone who saw us talking that day wouldn't have believed that we were meeting for the first time. We were complete strangers, but I could still feel some sort of a bond being formed already!
The best part is that he's modernism and traditionalism combined! I mean, when I did the Art of Living course, I just wished to find a hubby who'd be interested in spirituality and meditation. And when Sandeep said that he was a part of AOL, I felt as if all my dreams had come true in just one instance. It was really too good to be true! I just couldn't believe it!
He possesses all the qualities I wanted in my hubby. He's very friendly and is a heart winner for sure. He loves his family a lot, is very romantic and expressive. I love his honesty and modesty. I love to hear his voice and long to see that cute smile which can make you forget your worries and sorrows completely. He has this extraordinary way of making you feel really special!! You want to believe everything he says, even if he might just try to flatter you!
I never believed so much in arrange marriages earlier! I always thought that arrange marriages are full of compromises on all walks of life. How can you marry someone you hardly know! What if you turn out to be complete opposites? It always looked like a risky proposition to me.
But Thank God! I've been really lucky! I managed to find someone who's more like me than anyone else I've ever known before! And that's what I wanted my Special someone to be like....a reflection of my ownself, someone I can relate to, someone I can trust!
With the passage of each new day, I start liking him even more. Each day I discover something new about him, and then I realize that this is indeed something I wanted in my sweet heart, but didn't expect it to be fulfilled. All I hope is that our love keeps growing like this forever!
No matter how much ever he may try, he'll never be able to convince me that he's luckier than me!! It's true, falling in love makes you a better human being. The whole world seems to be a better place and life itself becomes more meaningful.
After meeting Sandeep I'm convinced that "Someone somewhere is really made for you and one day you'll surely find him!!!"
But one day I read in some numerological horoscope that my life partner would not be up to my expectations! I got very disappointed after reading this. But I didn't want to let anyone disappoint me. So I thought that if I don't expect anything, how will anyone be able to not meet my expectations!
I always thought I'll be able to keep up with this ideology. But as the days passed by, and I gained more experience in relationships, unconsciously I started picturing my sweet heart. Even though I kept reminding myself not to expect too much, somehow I just couldn't help it! After all, how can you not have any expectations about someone you are going to spend your entire life with?
Only thing I could do was to not expect anything out of the blue from him! But at least I could expect him to be well educated, have a good job, love his family, be honest, sensitive and romantic, love music and dance, and most of all, be my best friend, with whom I can share everything!
This was about all I expected from my Perfect Someone. Looks wasn't an important criterion for me, 'cause after all I'm not the most beautiful girl in this world, and I couldn't expect someone who's so perfect to fall for me.
I've met a lot of guys in my life time. But somehow, I never found someone as perfect! There was something or the other missing all the time. And if there's something missing, how can it be perfect? Eventually I started thinking that my horoscope was indeed right, I'll never find my Perfect Someone.
But when I met Sandeep, everything changed! There was something really attractive about him. I found myself being drawn towards him. When we started talking, we just went on and on, with not wanting to stop at all. Anyone who saw us talking that day wouldn't have believed that we were meeting for the first time. We were complete strangers, but I could still feel some sort of a bond being formed already!
The best part is that he's modernism and traditionalism combined! I mean, when I did the Art of Living course, I just wished to find a hubby who'd be interested in spirituality and meditation. And when Sandeep said that he was a part of AOL, I felt as if all my dreams had come true in just one instance. It was really too good to be true! I just couldn't believe it!
He possesses all the qualities I wanted in my hubby. He's very friendly and is a heart winner for sure. He loves his family a lot, is very romantic and expressive. I love his honesty and modesty. I love to hear his voice and long to see that cute smile which can make you forget your worries and sorrows completely. He has this extraordinary way of making you feel really special!! You want to believe everything he says, even if he might just try to flatter you!
I never believed so much in arrange marriages earlier! I always thought that arrange marriages are full of compromises on all walks of life. How can you marry someone you hardly know! What if you turn out to be complete opposites? It always looked like a risky proposition to me.
But Thank God! I've been really lucky! I managed to find someone who's more like me than anyone else I've ever known before! And that's what I wanted my Special someone to be like....a reflection of my ownself, someone I can relate to, someone I can trust!
With the passage of each new day, I start liking him even more. Each day I discover something new about him, and then I realize that this is indeed something I wanted in my sweet heart, but didn't expect it to be fulfilled. All I hope is that our love keeps growing like this forever!
No matter how much ever he may try, he'll never be able to convince me that he's luckier than me!! It's true, falling in love makes you a better human being. The whole world seems to be a better place and life itself becomes more meaningful.
After meeting Sandeep I'm convinced that "Someone somewhere is really made for you and one day you'll surely find him!!!"
Hi Sweet heart!!!!!!!!!!!
I would disagree with one statement of yours. I think I am luckier than you are.
I have been always attracted to beautiful girls. I made a number of friends and some were very close to me. But everytime there was some dis-satisfaction that somewhere something is missing.
I wanted my life partner to be someone with very expressive eyes, beautiful long hair, a sweet voice that feels like music. I wanted her to be a sensible person excellent in communication, with good education and a taste for music & poetries so that someone is always there to appreciate my poetries & singing.
I wanted her to have a spiritual bent of mind, to help me in my spiritual path. I wanted her to easily mix-up with my large family and just impress anyone with her sweet presence. I wanted my family people praise her as a nice person.
Most of all I wanted her to be more involved in my life rather than focussing too much on her career. I wanted her to understand my feelings and be flexible enough to move to any place with me.
I wanted her to be slim, smart & capable of walking by my side at my pace.
Most important of all I want her to be modest with traditional values. I dont find many girls nowadays with that much modesty on their face.
Dont you think this is really too much to expect. But I couldn't avoid making so high expectations. I never believed that my parents could find someone so special for me.
But as you can guess.......I have found her!!!!! That too in the first chance. She was the first girl that I had gone to see for marriage. And from just 15 minutes of chat with her I realized that I had found her.
Cant tell how happy I was that day.
It was a dream come true. Now my affection for her has grown so much that I cant even think of life without her.
Anonymous, at 4:05 AM
Hey guys,
It feels so beautiful to see both of you deeply madly in love. Even i had heard that arrange marriages do work but never believed it, but now with both of you i have a lifetime experience and a lifetime example to give.
I cant tell u how happy I am to see both of u in love.
As of shwet i always knew that shes gonna do a love marriage beccause she was so much aganist arrange marriages, and rather she would have done one, but she never found her Mr. Perfect.
But am so happy that she didnt cross anybody on her way because she had to cross your way sandeep.
I havent know u completely, but can comment on one thing that whoever can win the heart of shwetas mom can conqueer the whole world because aunty is all so perfect, and my my you are the campinion of aunty's heart.
That says all for both of you.
I dont have much to tell u, but yes there would be bad times in your life as well but never succumb to it, fight together and that will bring the world to your feet.
I wish both of you a happy and successful life ahead ........... and agar aage kuch hua...... to apun hai na MAMU!!!
Love you loads,
Anonymous, at 10:06 PM
You should have never believed in your numerology horror-scope. Those are only meant to make people afraid. Anyways It's good that you found your soulmate. Congratulations and I sincerely hope everything goes on track. Forever.
I don't know you but then also all the best.
The Young Saint, at 9:38 PM
It is hard so hard to express yourself perfectly, specailly about your Mr.Perfect but you have express it so perfect.
It seems so beautiful to see both of you deeply in love.
I have to except this after reading your feelings, my views are changing about arrange marriage.I alwaya use to say how can you spend your whole life with someone whom you dont know at all.But seems both of you are going to prove me wrong and i would be the happiest person by loosing from you people.
My best wishes are with you.Best of luck for your new begining.
Anonymous, at 3:15 AM
It is hard so hard to express yourself perfectly, specailly about your Mr.Perfect but you have express it so perfect.
It seems so beautiful to see both of you deeply in love.
I have to except this after reading your feelings, my views are changing about arrange marriage.I alwaya use to say how can you spend your whole life with someone whom you dont know at all.But seems both of you are going to prove me wrong and i would be the happiest person by loosing from you people.
My best wishes are with you.Best of luck for your new begining.
Anonymous, at 3:15 AM
Dear Sweetheart,
i always u knew that u will get the best in ur life infact u have been getting it all this while so it will continue darling.....jus learn 2 enjoy it and relish each n every moment that comes ur way. ofcourse i have the same feeling about sandeep that he sounds very loving n caring is smart n sounds professional.
my best wishes are always with you.
and last not least fikar not......MAMU HAI NAAAAAA.
Anonymous, at 11:49 PM
hi bhabhi,
pooja here.knowing both of u ,i can just say how perfect a match do u make.u both complement each other a lot.reading ur views abt a perfect partner made me ponder abt the partner i m going to have.i hope i ll be lucky as uand as far u both r concerned ur bonding will bond our family even stronger.hope u both get 2 see all beautiful things in life
lots of love
lots n lots of love
take care
Anonymous, at 4:44 AM
just superb just awesome
in this world where most of girls roam around for money or gr8 looks, gr8 to read tht u mentionin bt his education, descency towards family n other valid points.
keep blogging
AG, at 2:48 PM
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