Good Bye 2005!!!
2005 was the year when I gave my last engineering exams, the year when I left my old friends behind, moved out of college and started with a new life altogether!
2005 was indeed a very eventful year for me, and I've lived some of the best days of my life this year!
Now that 2005 has been so nice to me, why not give it a proper farewell!
The best way to do this, I feel, is to think about the wonderful things that happened last year....and thank god for making the last year so memorable!!!
End of College Days!!
As soon as 2005 began, all of us started worrying about just one thing! And that was....."the end of our college days". Very soon, we'd be separated from our best pals, possibly forever. All of us would move on our own career paths, leaving behind nothing but memories!
The first event in the year was our annual function "Pratishruti". Since this was our last year in college, we were all very enthusiastic about participating in the event. Some of my dearest pals Kanchi, Meera, Nivi, Kriti, Sakshi, Ruchi, Monica and myself, got together and danced to the tunes of "Bhoot hu Mai" with Kanchi being the main Bhoot! We had a lot of fun preparing for the event, and especially the choreography, which was handled mainly by Kanchi!
Then we had a Technical event in the college "Technovision" organised by the IEEE subchapter of our college. Me and Kanchi decided to present a paper, and for the first time in my life I managed to present a paper, with her, on the topic "Artificial Intelligence". Although, we didn't win, but still, the experience itself was very enriching and we had the satisfaction of presenting atleast one paper during college.
After that we started preparing for our Farewell. We had some crazy dress codes like Village day and Journalist day during the farewell week. Then there was the grand event- "The Farewell Party". The dress code for the girls was saree, and everyone looked absolutely gorgeous..except for Nivi and Kriti who played the spoilt sports by not following the dress code. We danced a lot, played a few games as well, and had lots of snaps taken. The farewell party rocked!
Then, was the time for the project completions, submissions etc. That was a really hectic time! But at the same time, what dawned on us was that, very soon all our fun days would be over. This was possibly the last time we would see some of our batchmates.....
Then there was my B'day party......had a wonderful time that day with all my friends.....I must was the best B'day I've celebrated yet.....and will miss this day on all my next b'days!
After that it was time for our final exams. Very soon everything would change forever....but anyways, we worked really hard and gave our exams well. On the last day we had a "Graduation Party". That was the last time I met many of my friends....was a very emotional moment....but we enjoyed that day as well!!
That was the end of our college days......all the good times, all the fun, all the tensions of studies, projects, everything was over. That day, Our lives changed forever......
The Trip Down South!!
After exams were over, I went for a trip to Kodaikanal with my family. It was after almost 10 years that we were going for an outing, and I was really excited about the whole thing!
I went to Hyderabad, met my cousin Mridul, for the first time there....Then we moved to Chennai to meet Sanjeev mama, where we came to know about Vinay mama's engagement.
After that we reached Kodaikanal. Kodai is an absolutely breath taking place, with the beautiful Nilgiris all around. We just fell in love with the place at first sight and didn't want to leave it at all. But as they say, all good things must come to an end, and so did our trip. But not before we had seen the Brindavan Gardens of Mysore, the ISKCON Temple of Bangalore and the Ramojji Film city of Hyderabad.
The entire trip was like a dream come true for us, and we'll always cherish the memories!!
Joining Persistent
Immediately after we came back from the trip, I was supposed to join Persistent. This was what I had been waiting for all my life....Now I could reach out for the skies and make my dreams come true!!
Unfortunately, I was the only one from RKNEC to join Persistent that day, and so, I was very nervous. But the people at Persistent gave us a really heart warming welcome.
We had a party for all the new joinees in the evening and so, inspite of being an introvert, I started making friends right from the first day, and within a week, all my nervousness was gone!
Vinay Mama's wedding
Even before I could complete one week at Persistent, I had to take leave for Vinay Mama's wedding. Vinay mama is my youngest mamu, and so I was really excited about the wedding. I did a lot of shopping, met my cousins, played pranks and basically enjoyed a lot at the wedding.
Induction Training
By the time I came back from the wedding, our training had begun. We learnt a lot of things like Linux, PERL, RDBMS, QTP, C, C++ and Java during the one and a half month long training.
During the training period itself we had a party. It was thrown by our seniors who had completed one year at persistent. It was a DJ party, and we danced and danced and danced away to glory! That day, was probably the first time that I spent so much time with Pragya, as I danced with her all the time. We had a great time that day and were wondering if this type of parties would be very frequent in Persistent. But unfortunately, we haven't had a single DJ party after that yet!
During the training I made a lot of friends......Pooja, Ruchi, Amita, Pragya,Huzaifa, Nadeem, Saurabh, Vaibhav, Tejas, Uday and Tirtho! Tirtho and I became real good friends, but unfortunately he moved to Pune after the training was completed. Fortunately, we still manage to keep in touch through net!
Once our training was over we were allotted Live projects to work on and were assigned Mentors to guide us. Pragya and I joined Zimbra, and here too we made a lot of new friends. The Zimbra team was really helpful and the entire team helped us out with everything, especially Sudeep, KK, Jayesh, Prajakta, Vinay, Shankar and Poonam were a great help!
Once our training was over, all of us, freshers had to put up a show for Persistent. The event was called Reverie, and we all participated actively to make it a success. I myself sung on stage for the first time in my life and am really grateful to the Persistent Employees for bearing with me that day!!! Just joking.....I don't think I was that bad....or was I????Do let me know!
Anyways, the show on the whole was a hit and we all had a great time putting it up.
Persistent Week
Persistent Nagpur completed two years on 3rd November. So after Diwali, we started preparing for the celebrations.
We had week long celebrations which included dress codes and various types of competitions. I participated actively in the events. We worked hard for the Cubicle decoration contest, though we didn't win the event. Anyways, we won the Antakshari. Moreover, amongst the dress codes, the most enjoyable was the Funky day wherein the entire team of Zimbra got dressed up in the most imaginable way, and moreover we were roaming around the entire office in that outfit the whole day!
We had a prize distribution ceremony on the last day, followed by dinner. We had a great time during the Persistent Week and hope that such events keep coming up more often!
After this, the year wasn't quite eventful. I went to Rajasthan for a small trip and after I came back I worked on an Oracle related project. We also got training for the same, but unfortunately, the project couldn't materialize, and so now I'm on Bench, waiting for another project, and not doing much except for writing Blogs!
Anyways I'm glad that 2005 was such a wonderful year of my life and though I can't hope the same for the New Year, 'cause you see "All the treasures of earth cannot bring back one lost moment", so all you can do is cherish those memories and hope the best for the future!
So here I am, wishing all those reading this blog,
2005 was indeed a very eventful year for me, and I've lived some of the best days of my life this year!
Now that 2005 has been so nice to me, why not give it a proper farewell!
The best way to do this, I feel, is to think about the wonderful things that happened last year....and thank god for making the last year so memorable!!!
End of College Days!!
As soon as 2005 began, all of us started worrying about just one thing! And that was....."the end of our college days". Very soon, we'd be separated from our best pals, possibly forever. All of us would move on our own career paths, leaving behind nothing but memories!
The first event in the year was our annual function "Pratishruti". Since this was our last year in college, we were all very enthusiastic about participating in the event. Some of my dearest pals Kanchi, Meera, Nivi, Kriti, Sakshi, Ruchi, Monica and myself, got together and danced to the tunes of "Bhoot hu Mai" with Kanchi being the main Bhoot! We had a lot of fun preparing for the event, and especially the choreography, which was handled mainly by Kanchi!
Then we had a Technical event in the college "Technovision" organised by the IEEE subchapter of our college. Me and Kanchi decided to present a paper, and for the first time in my life I managed to present a paper, with her, on the topic "Artificial Intelligence". Although, we didn't win, but still, the experience itself was very enriching and we had the satisfaction of presenting atleast one paper during college.
After that we started preparing for our Farewell. We had some crazy dress codes like Village day and Journalist day during the farewell week. Then there was the grand event- "The Farewell Party". The dress code for the girls was saree, and everyone looked absolutely gorgeous..except for Nivi and Kriti who played the spoilt sports by not following the dress code. We danced a lot, played a few games as well, and had lots of snaps taken. The farewell party rocked!
Then, was the time for the project completions, submissions etc. That was a really hectic time! But at the same time, what dawned on us was that, very soon all our fun days would be over. This was possibly the last time we would see some of our batchmates.....
Then there was my B'day party......had a wonderful time that day with all my friends.....I must was the best B'day I've celebrated yet.....and will miss this day on all my next b'days!
After that it was time for our final exams. Very soon everything would change forever....but anyways, we worked really hard and gave our exams well. On the last day we had a "Graduation Party". That was the last time I met many of my friends....was a very emotional moment....but we enjoyed that day as well!!
That was the end of our college days......all the good times, all the fun, all the tensions of studies, projects, everything was over. That day, Our lives changed forever......
The Trip Down South!!
After exams were over, I went for a trip to Kodaikanal with my family. It was after almost 10 years that we were going for an outing, and I was really excited about the whole thing!
I went to Hyderabad, met my cousin Mridul, for the first time there....Then we moved to Chennai to meet Sanjeev mama, where we came to know about Vinay mama's engagement.
After that we reached Kodaikanal. Kodai is an absolutely breath taking place, with the beautiful Nilgiris all around. We just fell in love with the place at first sight and didn't want to leave it at all. But as they say, all good things must come to an end, and so did our trip. But not before we had seen the Brindavan Gardens of Mysore, the ISKCON Temple of Bangalore and the Ramojji Film city of Hyderabad.
The entire trip was like a dream come true for us, and we'll always cherish the memories!!
Joining Persistent
Immediately after we came back from the trip, I was supposed to join Persistent. This was what I had been waiting for all my life....Now I could reach out for the skies and make my dreams come true!!
Unfortunately, I was the only one from RKNEC to join Persistent that day, and so, I was very nervous. But the people at Persistent gave us a really heart warming welcome.
We had a party for all the new joinees in the evening and so, inspite of being an introvert, I started making friends right from the first day, and within a week, all my nervousness was gone!
Vinay Mama's wedding
Even before I could complete one week at Persistent, I had to take leave for Vinay Mama's wedding. Vinay mama is my youngest mamu, and so I was really excited about the wedding. I did a lot of shopping, met my cousins, played pranks and basically enjoyed a lot at the wedding.
Induction Training
By the time I came back from the wedding, our training had begun. We learnt a lot of things like Linux, PERL, RDBMS, QTP, C, C++ and Java during the one and a half month long training.
During the training period itself we had a party. It was thrown by our seniors who had completed one year at persistent. It was a DJ party, and we danced and danced and danced away to glory! That day, was probably the first time that I spent so much time with Pragya, as I danced with her all the time. We had a great time that day and were wondering if this type of parties would be very frequent in Persistent. But unfortunately, we haven't had a single DJ party after that yet!
During the training I made a lot of friends......Pooja, Ruchi, Amita, Pragya,Huzaifa, Nadeem, Saurabh, Vaibhav, Tejas, Uday and Tirtho! Tirtho and I became real good friends, but unfortunately he moved to Pune after the training was completed. Fortunately, we still manage to keep in touch through net!
Once our training was over we were allotted Live projects to work on and were assigned Mentors to guide us. Pragya and I joined Zimbra, and here too we made a lot of new friends. The Zimbra team was really helpful and the entire team helped us out with everything, especially Sudeep, KK, Jayesh, Prajakta, Vinay, Shankar and Poonam were a great help!
Once our training was over, all of us, freshers had to put up a show for Persistent. The event was called Reverie, and we all participated actively to make it a success. I myself sung on stage for the first time in my life and am really grateful to the Persistent Employees for bearing with me that day!!! Just joking.....I don't think I was that bad....or was I????Do let me know!
Anyways, the show on the whole was a hit and we all had a great time putting it up.
Persistent Week
Persistent Nagpur completed two years on 3rd November. So after Diwali, we started preparing for the celebrations.
We had week long celebrations which included dress codes and various types of competitions. I participated actively in the events. We worked hard for the Cubicle decoration contest, though we didn't win the event. Anyways, we won the Antakshari. Moreover, amongst the dress codes, the most enjoyable was the Funky day wherein the entire team of Zimbra got dressed up in the most imaginable way, and moreover we were roaming around the entire office in that outfit the whole day!
We had a prize distribution ceremony on the last day, followed by dinner. We had a great time during the Persistent Week and hope that such events keep coming up more often!
After this, the year wasn't quite eventful. I went to Rajasthan for a small trip and after I came back I worked on an Oracle related project. We also got training for the same, but unfortunately, the project couldn't materialize, and so now I'm on Bench, waiting for another project, and not doing much except for writing Blogs!
Anyways I'm glad that 2005 was such a wonderful year of my life and though I can't hope the same for the New Year, 'cause you see "All the treasures of earth cannot bring back one lost moment", so all you can do is cherish those memories and hope the best for the future!
So here I am, wishing all those reading this blog,
A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
May this new year open new horizons for you and may all your dreams come true!!!!
Oh Shweta!!!
That was just awesome...Perhaps I couldnt have put my feelings in a better way...The way you highlited the events in the college and specially the moments when you met your friends for the last time was indeed great...This reminds me of how we had our farewell party, how we boys were also crying on the last day and all...The last year has really been evntful for me...Specially for me, it has been full of ups and downs.Thanks for mentioning my name there, I really too believe that 2005 has also given a new friend...but do remember thanks to Yahoo Im for our friendship...its been 6 months i suppose...
Well, the 1 thing I liked about your account, was that everyone reading this piece, can relate to his or her own life,really... the piece is so very lively....
Thanks for reminding me my college days!!!
Anonymous, at 3:15 AM
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM
Me n nivi r not spoil-sports!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:13 AM
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